• 117 reviews
Bark for Chrome
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Bark for Chrome
Bark for Chrome
Bark for Chrome
Bark for Chrome
Bark for Chrome

Protect Your Child's Chrome Browser with Bark for Chrome

As a parent, ensuring your child's safety online is of utmost importance. With the increasing presence of inappropriate content, cyberbullying, sexting, and other potential risks, it's crucial to have tools that help protect your child while preserving their privacy. Bark for Chrome is a powerful Chrome extension designed to provide parents with peace of mind by monitoring and alerting them to potential online dangers.

How Bark for Chrome Works

Bark for Chrome is a comprehensive monitoring solution that scans your child's messages, social media platforms, and other online activities for signs of cyberbullying, sexting, depression, and suicidal thoughts, among others. With Bark, you don't have to spend hours manually going through your child's messages or social media feed. The extension does the work for you, alerting you to any potential issues that may require your attention.

Features and Benefits

Bark for Chrome supports a wide range of popular social media platforms, email, and text messaging, ensuring that you have a holistic view of your child's online interactions. By connecting your child's accounts, you enable Bark to notify you promptly whenever it detects any concerning content or behavior. This approach not only helps protect your child but also fosters trust and open communication within your family about internet safety.

Real-Life Testimonials

Don't just take our word for it - here are some testimonials from parents who have found value in using Bark:

"My wife and I LOVE Bark - we’ve had some tough, but productive conversations with our 13-year-old son. It’s proving to be extremely valuable." - Josh L.

"Bark alerted us to a social media post my daughter sent that implied she was not where she had said she was, and that she and her friends had illegal drugs in our vehicle that she drives. With this information, we were able to ask her about the activities that night and to talk to her about the risks of having illegal drugs in the car even if the drugs belonged to a friend. Although it was a difficult conversation and there are issues still to address, I'm grateful Bark alerted us to the messages so we could take action." - Trent

"Bark notified me that my young daughter had unknowingly revealed her phone number to strangers on Twitter. The fact that bark.us notified me in real-time was impressive and led to an informative discussion with her the same day." - Jon B.

"We had a couple of notifications come through, and we were thankful for those. It opened up a dialog with our son which was great." - Nicci C.

"I wanted to say thank you. Bark is really providing me some peace of mind as a parent, and my kids appreciate the extra privacy I'm giving them." - Ray F.

These testimonials highlight the value that Bark for Chrome brings to parents, enabling them to have important conversations with their children and take proactive steps to ensure their well-being.


Bark for Chrome is a trusted and effective Chrome extension that helps parents protect their children from inappropriate content, cyberbullying, and other online risks. Its powerful monitoring capabilities, combined with real-time alerts and comprehensive platform support, make it a valuable tool for any parent concerned about their child's online safety. Try Bark for Chrome today and gain peace of mind knowing that you're taking proactive steps to keep your child safe in the digital world.

Bark for Chrome helps protect children from inappropriate content.

Bark detects cyberbullying, sexting, signs of depression, and more.

Bark supports popular social media platforms, email, and text messaging.

Bark allows parents to have open dialogues with their children.

Bark requires access to children's accounts and messages.

Some may feel that Bark invades privacy.

117 reviews
14 Reviews For This Extension
Bahige Saad

Horrible Extension, it blew up my phone when I was trying to uninstall it.

Ella Marini

Horrible. Please don't consider letting your kids use it. Strips kids of all their privacy, and makes them feel like they have to tiptoe around you and the restrictions you've set. App has good intentions, but a horrible, horrible impact on the kids, who will likely grow up to be secretive, untrusting adults.

Luci Abbott

- The reviews on the site are fake. If you right click a profile picture and select "view in new tab", the image will unblur. Sometimes it will say "stock image" /in the URL/. And when it doesn't, you can right click again and reverse image search, which will lead you /to stock photo websites/. And if you copy + paste the reviews into Google and hit go, the reviews (which are mock FaceBook posts) won't show up, only /the bark website/. Because they aren't real posts. They don't exist on FB. - This app warns parents about /everything/. My mom keeps telling me that I don't know how Bark works and that it doesn't tell her everything I do, but it flags me going to Deviant Art, talking about Lemon Demon, saying "oh my God"(---or OMG!), saying "never gonna give you up", using the word "hot" or talking about /anything/ LGBTQ+ related. - Parental controls only teach kids to not trust anyone and how to do things in secret. - Kids have different views from their parents and that is okay. They shouldn't be punished for that.

Wyatt Huynh

Dont Download this!!! I take perfect care of my pc and make sure to keep everything cleaned up so it doesnt run like garbage but it just keeps lagging.my google will randomly close and i cant do anything about it (┬┬﹏┬┬)


"why doesn't my kid talk to me" -my parents when i turn 18

Robert Larson

peice of trash

Zander Smith

put on and did absolutely nothing.

john parr

This is the worst extension to ever exist. It destroys your relationship with your parents completely. If your parents install this for you, please talk to them about it. It is a complete invasion of privacy and should not exist at all. If your parents get this for you, the are truly just terrible parents and don't have any trust for you. This is so messed up honestly. My parents are even looking through my computer here and there and checking discord WHERE I KEEP ALL MY PRIVATE CONVERSATIONS. They check everything. I've lost all of my friends because of this app and i can't get them back because of 1. bark and 2. being an introvert. This app is destroying me and my relationship with my parents. Google, if you see this, please take this off the chrome extension store and off google play. This app completely violates your privacy. I understand we aren't legal adults and don't have rights yet and that our parents can technically do this to us as our parent, but still. This app is so messed up. You can't curse, cant talk about anything related to mental health, violence, anything like that. I try talking to my friends about issues in my life and my depression and it gets flagged. My mom comes along and doesnt like it. Cuts off all cords with that friend. It just makes your mental health so much worse. Parents, if youre seeing this, please, just please, dont get this for your child. The only way they will learn is through experience. You cant train them for whats out there if they dont have access too it. I understand you dont want them on p_fsdfsdf_0_sfgsdfg_r_asdfsdg_n and stuff like that but theyre just kids they wont be on that stuff. Stop doing this to them. It will destroy your relationship with them and it is a terrible choice. Please dont do this to your kid. -A 6th grader with depression and messed up parents


I hate this. My bond with my parents is going lower by each step because of this stupid thing. I can't have any privacy, and this app puts you in a position where you are worried about hackers and other things like that. I feel uncomfortable asking my friends to text me when they have problems, because their personal lives can be read by my parents. They keep telling me they don't look at the alerts, and yet I can feel our relationship severing. This app is a complete joke, and I can't wait to get away from my overly-invasive parents, and this overly-invasive app. This is ruining my childhood.

Flash crashz (AMOGUS EHHEHE)

super bad to be honest

pink cookies

this does not monitor really anything maybe bc norton family blocked it


I know I'm gonna sound like every other teenager on this app, but this sucks. I had this on my phone and after a week it was lagging. I kept restarting it, fixing my internet, it was just bark itself. It's basically a whole virus that takes over your device. Bark doesn't just monitor "sexual" material like p**n it also monitors what is considered "cyber bullying." Why should bark tell my mom that I told my bsf "Loser" or anything like that. The cyber bullying images that are shown on the Barks' website are just stupid. I have friends vent to me and I don't need some virus to notify my mother about it so she can read it too. They're my friends, not my mothers. I feel bad when I have to tell my friends that they can't vent to me because some app is going to send it to my nosy mother. This app made me lose all trust with my parents.


(1. Go into your settings, and disable bark VPN (2. Use Opera GX, it's the only browser bark cant detect on all platforms (3. Always use incognito, it will help block account association tracking (4. Your welcome.


Hey look at that! Another spyware extension with the exact same problems as Securly!

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